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Video property of SETUES

4 days / 3 nights

Magical Loreto

Departures: Saturdays

Disfruta de las hermosas y tranquilas calles de Loreto, conoce la primer Misión de las Californias y el museo de las Misiones Jesuitas. Conoce el hermoso pueblo de San Javier que se encuentra entre la sierra La Giganta

Aventúrate al Mar de Cortés en un divertido paseo a Isla Coronado en donde podrás apreciar formaciones volcánicas muy interesantes y una colonia de lobos marinos y, con un poco de suerte, encontrarás delfines, manta rayas o tortugas marinas. 

Loreto and mulegÉ

5 days / 4 nights
Departures: Tuesday

Enjoy the beautiful and quiet streets of Loreto, visit the first Las Californias Mission and the Jesuit Missions museum, the beautiful town of San Javier, located in the Sierra la Giganta.

Venture to the Sea of Cortez on a fun trip to Coronado Island where you can see very interesting volcanic formations and its colony of sea lions.

Enjoy the beautiful beaches of Bahía Concepción and the beautiful town of Mulegé, the third Mission and its spectacular viewpoint.

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Departures: Tuesdays and Saturdays

COMPLETE Loreto and mulegÉ

8 days / 7 nights

A wonderful week where we will visit the beautiful Magical town of Loreto, the second mission in San Javier, the spectacular islands of the Bahía de Loreto National Park: Coronado, Danzantes and Carmen and the beautiful town of Mulegé with its beautiful beaches of Bahía Concepción.

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